Friday, November 2, 2012


I'm just gonna throw a bunch of shit on here because it's fuckin Friday and I'm listening to old Burzum, burning some candles, drinking some wine, and reflecting on the past 15 or so years.  Obviously, I'm feeling really sunny.  Whatever, some of you may not know I'm a moody son of a bitch but yes, it's true.  I'm tempermental, sensitive, can't spell for shit, and hate posing for pictures and giving hugs.  Fuck it.  Also, I like rhyming so get the fuck over it because it's going to happen a lot.  And if you think this is bad, you should see the ones I didn't type out.  DEAL WITH IT.


Until that dream ends a
break in my skin sends
me down with black stars
in my eyes, a storm in
my guts, I might fall down
And in this tunnel everything
is loud, All I want is metal
I'll lay down and sleep and
turn into salt. My hips will
disintegrate along with my thoughts


Da da da da da black fingers rose into clocks find skin
brown shoes step down pillows thin line the stripes are un
flattering I hate tests too unless I do well remember
The Ring what a memory that isn't even mine.
You should rightly love curley beards I wish men were
still men and not a bunch of skinny crying soft skinned
pussies. A.D.I.D.A.S ha! It's true. I just want it and now
I'll get it...get something. Should I do this preggers test? Knowledge is fear.
What if I am? Better to know now rather than later.
Jesus Christ what if there is a human
in me? 
Jesus Christ...what if I have to kill it? And 
who would I call? What do you know weirdo? The devil 
can quote scripture. Bigbooty. Bigboobs. Erection direction. 
Nice fucking pink matching hoodies whores. <3 font="font" nbsp="nbsp" someone="someone">
stole my idea & did it better than I would have.
Fucker. What you say? that looks like gay. Excrement
doesn't mean excrement here it's not what I meant


Ribbons of water running down
the shower walls the bathroom stalls,
the cold grey windows
this face
gets older by the show
It takes too much
this life
gets harder as I go
it makes me wretch
Don't look in my eyes
Until I look in yours
And then look away
you know how it goes
Mother save me
don't say the wrong things
are out of my hands
This bird is eating
my liver
can't handle
Oh my god I'm so cold
I'm not listening
I'm just fidgeting
Shut down like blown out fuse


It's already getting too hot... too hot
to be poetic. Then again there's always
an excuse not to be poetic.


Oh! The irony of his divinely positioned feet!


(Lyrics for an old Hound song)

Lights Out
Pull the ribbon down
It came from underwear
You put it there
Air's too hot for
Moving bodies
Let some night in
Smoke and noise and
Cools my skin
Blankets on the floor lower
Make it hot
I wanted more
This never ends
Skin touches skin
Breathing over
White noise from the fan
Steady breath
Focus on my neck
Dreams aren't for sense making
This bed's not meant for waking
Twist the lamp
On the wall
A clicker in my skull
Minds float and wander off
I'm sorry I forgot
Where they touch and when and how much
It's so tired doing the same thing
Work hard still scraping. For nothing.
Don't think about it, just keep time
with it. Fucking give up. Staring at
the ceiling, bring me back inside
My dreams are so much better than
this tossing and turning 


No one gives a shit about poetry or art or real shit.  if you can't buy it, it doesn't matter.  go get a tattoo and some foodie food and pat yourself on the back you fucks.




Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Collage! A Montage!

I recently participated in a pop-up show at Tattooed Mom, a bar here in beautiful Philadelphia.  The show's theme was skulls and snakes.  My pal Marty and I got together and did some collaging and I whipped out the old woodburner again. We inhaled a lot of smoke.  Came out much different than my usual collages but good for one offs.  These are for sale folks!  

Rune Design

Over the past few months I've become increasingly involved in the musical projects of my husband and his friends.  Here's some designs and logos I made:
Our band, Hexer, in which I do vocals, he does guitar and bass, and our comrade George does drum programming and second guitar:
 These are the 2 cassettes that we have made so far:

 This is the logo I made for dudes' band, Warshack:

These are some logos I made for dudes' record label they recently started to put all this rad shit out, it's called SCUMCULT.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Horror

This is a drawing I did while administering the PSSA's to all the late students last year.  This was a direct inspiration about how I felt about the entire scenario.  Take that how you will.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


My pal and fellow artist and craftsman, Ariele Hertzoff, challenged her friends to create a drawing of a meowl (a cat-owl) for her new brand label.  I took up the challenge and for most of Friday at work I did this drawing.  It doesn't really look like a logo but I had fun doing it anyway!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I've been steadily working on a "family crest" for the man and myself.  A ton of research has gone into this and it's coming along nicely.  I'm getting pretty excited for the finished product so I can stamp it onto basically everything I own.  This is it so far, sans the actual "crest"...

More to come once I fill it all in, The hard part's over now though (as long as I don't mess it up).

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wood, Metal, Bone

Some of you may have seen the photos from my trips to Iceland.  It was a mysterious and inspiring place that has left a big mark on how I look at things.  During my travels I came upon numerous interesting plants, rocks, and other detritus that I attempted to collect.  A feather here, a glass-like piece of lava rock there, and various bones from birds, fish, and even a seal.  These are the beginnings of a new step towards making whatever the hell I feel like, without limitations (aside from financial or time limits), exploring the act of just creating.
This first piece I envisioned as being hung on the wall next to my bed so I could hang either necklaces or my engagement ring.  Now that it's made though I don't think it works that well in that way so I'm going to have to find another use for it.  I'm thinking of making some sort of abstract jewelry piece to hang from the two fish teeth.  Yes, those are teeth from a fish.

Next up, more fish teeth.  Spencer and I tore this piece of jaw off a dried out fish head we found on the beach in Iceland.   I have no idea what kind of terrifying fish this was but I've never seen anything like it.  I went for a nice elegant silver chain and kept it simple.

Finally, a necklace for Spence.  This is just some random bone I found on the beach.  Again, very simple- Just drilled a couple holes in it, braided some linen string and threaded it through there.  I think it came out pretty cool looking.

So that's all for now folks.  I hope you like my new little creations.  The craft store had a big sale and I got some cool new supplies that I'm excited to work with, so hopefully more to come soon!